Posts Tagged ‘life’

While sitting in the waiting room at Dr. M’s office I heard something I hadn’t heard in a long time… the nursing staff came out and called for Mrs. McCoy…

I haven’t been Mrs. anything in several years, actually 15 years this month to be exact. Now granted I am sitting here waiting to have my hearing tested and they weren’t speaking to me but it still jolted me a bit…

The Girl That…

10 Things…

Posted: September 1, 2013 in Uncategorized

10 Things...

Enough said…

Posted: August 31, 2013 in My Life
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Life is far too short for us to try and live our lives for someone else. 

Be respectful, be kind, be happy, love yourself and others, play, have fun, be stupid, play in the rain, buy coloring books and color (as an adult), act silly, enjoy YOUR life. Live YOUR life. Love YOUR life…


The Girl That…


Posted: May 22, 2013 in Dating..., My Life
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The Girl That…


The Girl That…


Posted: April 27, 2013 in Dating...
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Dating these days is a challenge to say the least.  It is extremely difficult to meet someone at work – most companies frown on colleagues dating – plus who has the time to socialize with the ever increasing workload most people have.

A lot of single people are not entirely truthful about themselves… it is, I guess, more interesting to be someone you’re not than someone you have to be on a daily basis. I get that, I really do. If I were to be someone I’m not, if only for a day… I believe I would be this ubber skinny, extremely wealthy, intelligent diva that doesn’t have to work…spending all my time getting my nails and toes done, my hair trimmed, shopping, hanging out all day with my clique, who like me are utterly fabulous…

Then reality sets in… even though it might be nice to fantasize about being someone I’m not… keeping up with the lies and trying to remember what you’ve said to whom…would be thoroughly exhausting. For all those people who are totally more interesting online than they are in person… be yourself. Be true to who you are. The people who truly matter will love the person you are, not the person you want to be…


The Girl That…